Ms. Whip
JoinedPosts by Ms. Whip
Anyone else here glad to see our resident bastard back?
by upside/down in.
hi gumby....missed ya.
I didn't drink the kool-aid
by stopthepain inlately,i haven't been as concerned with my jw will always affect me,and this website has changed my life,for the better.i guess i know that thetre will always be people that will believe in religious bullcrap.thats thier problem.i am proud that i didn't drink the kool-aid{i say to people now"don't drink the kool-aid"}i have not posted as much lately,and feel less concerned about the whole situation,which is a good thing.. .
cheers to all you who didn't drink the kool aid,and those who stopped drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
thanks ,stp
Ms. Whip
Ms. Whip, I empathize. You'll mellow a lot by the time you hit your 40's. Meanwhile, enjoy showing off that youthful cleavage. Use LOTs of sunscreen though, that skin ages faster than your face does. I figured that out the hard way.
I'm sure you have lots of beautiful cleavage to share. -
I didn't drink the kool-aid
by stopthepain inlately,i haven't been as concerned with my jw will always affect me,and this website has changed my life,for the better.i guess i know that thetre will always be people that will believe in religious bullcrap.thats thier problem.i am proud that i didn't drink the kool-aid{i say to people now"don't drink the kool-aid"}i have not posted as much lately,and feel less concerned about the whole situation,which is a good thing.. .
cheers to all you who didn't drink the kool aid,and those who stopped drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
thanks ,stp
Ms. Whip
'drinking the koolaid' isn't a direct hit on the victims at Jonestown, as terrible as that was.
Hi AuntieJane,
Not sure about that...Jonestown kinda gave the phrase 'drinking the kool-aid' a little more meaning.
Of course any phrase can take on different meanings to different people. It is human nature to make light of difficult topics it's harder to try to take them on.
I don't know why so many replies are dissing you here
In no way would I "diss" another ex-jw's pain. But, the fact that we responded, can talk about it and can laugh about it just show different stages of progress away from our past.
it will grow more shadowed and less important as time goes on.
That's true in most cases. But, I know of people 20, 30 even more years out of the org and they are still very much active in talking about it.
I have cried while reading a post then read someone else's sarcastic response and laughed in my tears. It's all good.
-ms. whip
(hides her Kool-Aid moustache)
What's the worst song you've ever listened to?
by JH inback in the mid 70's my sister won a 45rpm record from a radio station, and it was horrible .
the title is "don't worry kyoko" by yoko ono.
dont, dont, dont worry, kyoko.. mums only looking for her hand in the snow,.
Ms. Whip
I was gonna think of one...but,
ok JH...
I think you won.
I didn't drink the kool-aid
by stopthepain inlately,i haven't been as concerned with my jw will always affect me,and this website has changed my life,for the better.i guess i know that thetre will always be people that will believe in religious bullcrap.thats thier problem.i am proud that i didn't drink the kool-aid{i say to people now"don't drink the kool-aid"}i have not posted as much lately,and feel less concerned about the whole situation,which is a good thing.. .
cheers to all you who didn't drink the kool aid,and those who stopped drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
thanks ,stp
Ms. Whip
freaked you out did i? lol
you thought I flipped my whip? bwuah ha ha ha ha
I love you guys!!! Everyone has to have a weird post now and then. lol
I didn't drink the kool-aid
by stopthepain inlately,i haven't been as concerned with my jw will always affect me,and this website has changed my life,for the better.i guess i know that thetre will always be people that will believe in religious bullcrap.thats thier problem.i am proud that i didn't drink the kool-aid{i say to people now"don't drink the kool-aid"}i have not posted as much lately,and feel less concerned about the whole situation,which is a good thing.. .
cheers to all you who didn't drink the kool aid,and those who stopped drinking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
thanks ,stp
Ms. Whip
Yeah, I drank the kool-aid...even licked the spoon. Unfortunately, I didn't literally die. I'm one of those "walking wounded" who have to deal with the gut wrenching reality of my spoon fed poison. Since that poison was given to me in tiny droppersful day in day out...I didn't notice it.
Until one day, for no particular reason (or for many little reasons) I looked into the mirror and saw a gaunt, deathlike image void of any real life. It scared the hell (ok, the grave) out of me.
Those little Watchtower sips had turned me into an automaton. It kept me so doped up on the sick sugary image of an imaginary life that I could just possibly have if I could just possibly be good enough and if I could just possibly sip enough organizational ooze to keep me going.
Your reference to the mass suicide of 913 people in sickening, sad, horrific and feels shockingly familiar.
Cultish, regulatory religious organizations or any other group who has even one iota of the control Jim Jones had over his/their followers are all guilty of murder in one sense or another. Be it the death of a family bond, the death of someone's talent, their creative energy or the death of one's idenity. It is akin to involuntary euthanasia.
What makes an individual or a group stir up a batch of beliefs and serve it to their followers?
What makes followers sip without reservation?
Everyone has their own idea or reason or excuse. Mine? They put it in my bottle, so much so that it runs through every vein and every crevice of who I am.
I feel like I was secretly used for some crazy ass alien experiment and now I have three eyes and mutated limbs. I cough up blood when reminders of "god" and "the bible" are spoken. I sit alone, in darkness staring at the glaring light of a moniter with only the words of other religious guinea pigs who share my pain to comfort me.
Did I drink the Kool-Aid? Hell Yes I did, I couldn't avoid it.
Do I feel like a bloated, putrefying corpse laying somewhere in some gawd forsaken jungle? again, Hell Yes.
What was that sign over Jim Jones' head?
I remember my past....and believe me I will NEVER repeat it.
Post something to make me laugh
by JH in.
post anything to make me laugh, a picture, a riddle, whaterever
Ms. Whip
just for you JH...
Post something to make me laugh
by JH in.
post anything to make me laugh, a picture, a riddle, whaterever
Post something to make me laugh
by JH in.
post anything to make me laugh, a picture, a riddle, whaterever
Ms. Whip
How to bathe a cat
1. Thoroughly clean toilet.
2. Lift lid and add shampoo.
3. Find and soothe cat as you carry him to bathroom.
4. In one swift movement, place cat in toilet, close lid and stand on top.
5. The cat will self agitate and produce ample suds. (Ignore ruckus from inside toilet, cat is enjoying this.)
6. Flush toilet 3 or 4 times. This provides power rinse, which is quite effective.
7. Have someone open outside door, stand as far from toilet as possible and quickly lift lid.
8. Clean cat will rocket out of the toilet and outdoors, where he will air dry.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
The Dog
~Your image, reputation here at JWD~
by FlyingHighNow inwhat impression do you think you make here at jwd?
what do people think of you?
Ms. Whip
Hey whip, I'm off to Germany next week, there are some great leather shops in Hamburg and I can pick you up some good gear! -Beans
Oh what a sweetie!...Just a good flogger and a couple can of beans please!